Resting as part of your work-life and how acupuncture can help

Resting as part of your work-life and how acupuncture can help

Anyone who’s ever pulled an all nighter to complete an assignment or project knows how much your brain is affected by lack of sleep.

Irritability, confusion, distraction… it’s impossible to get anything done when your brain hasn’t had rest.

In American culture we often think of resting as the opposite of our work life but what if we thought of rest as PART of the work rather than the opposite of work?

It is your job to sleep. It is your job to take care of your body. To come to work present, vibrant, and awake.

If you’re having trouble getting quality, restful sleep at night - acupuncture and Chinese Medicine may be able to help.

Conventional vs. Chinese Medicine for Sleep Disorders

Conventional medicine often treats sleep disorders with prescription drugs, which can offer temporary relief in some cases, but it is not a sustainable long term solution as many of the prescriptions are habit forming and unhealthy and may disturb your natural sleep cycle even further.

In Chinese Medicine, however, treatment is more gentle on your body and spirit.

There is an understanding that good quality sleep consists of two components: physical rest for your body and quietude for the mind. Disturbance of either of those two aspects are the root of sleeplessness, and they must be healed.

Your acupuncturist would listen to your description of your sleep disturbance and use Chinese medical diagnostic tools to come up with an appropriate diagnosis and plan for treatment.

According to Andrew MacFarlane L.Ac,

“Acupuncture treatment (for sleeplessness) often begins with two of the constitutional acupuncture meridians, one which regulates circadian rhythms and the duration and timing of sleep,  and the other supporting the depth and quality of sleep.  These meridians can be thought of as foundational synchronizers which allow the patient’s sleep and wake cycles and sleep quality to return to a more natural state.  In Chinese Medical terms, this is known as balancing the yin and yang energetics of the patient, yin energies corresponding to night time, sleep, and quietude, and yang corresponding to daytime, wakefulness, and activity.”


Many avenues should be explored when it comes to treating a sleep disorder to boost health and increase your productivity, happiness, and satisfaction at work.

No longer should your rest be seen as something separate from your work life.

Deep sleep and rest is part of your work, and part of your brilliance.

To your health and wellness,

Dr. Pamela Gregg Flax, DOM, FABORM/2015