
Treatment Philosophy

At Full Well Acupuncture, my holistic treatment plans support you as a whole person. When we shift small things on a regular basis, they quickly add up to big changes. I believe in empowering you with new awareness that you can use every day. Together, we identify areas that are not aligned with healing and track specific changes of transformation. The experiences in the treatment sessions open a profound new path of forward – where you begin to feel and believe in your own infinite possibilities and feel the freedom of your spirit. I invite you to begin this marvelous journey of feeling better.

Pamela Gregg Flax, DOM, FABORM
Full Well Acupuncture 


Full Well Santa Fe

I started seeing Pamela for headache treatment. For the past 10 years, I have had tension headaches with migraine-like symptoms that Pamela was easily able to prevent with gua sha. As she and I worked together, we discussed my desire to have children. My husband and I had been trying unsuccessfully to conceive for 7 months. Pamela started performing fertility acupuncture treatments and eventually started me on a course of herbs. Within two to three months of starting the herb concoctions, I became pregnant with our son.