Quality of Life & Pain

Quality of life is a multidimensional experience of satisfaction with your life and overall wellbeing based on how you make meaning of your experiences.

This does not mean that we experience an idealized version of ‘perfect health’ or a ‘perfect life.’ We have human experiences and change thanks to them. We change when the seasons change. We change when we go through the cycles of life. Developing, maturing, and aging seem like they should be easy, natural processes, but modern life makes these cycles harder than they need to be.

I support restoring some grace to these natural movements of human experience by bolstering the basics:

  • connecting to ‘Heart-spirit’ in dialogue with the blueprint of an individual’s ‘essence,’
  • digesting and eliminating (nourishment and detox)
  • rejuvenating through good sleep, nutrition, thoughts and feelings, movement & rest
  • increasing adaptability for seamless change with the seasons and lifecycles

Pain is a pivot point, because it is difficult to ignore. I believe that pain can be a locus of inquiry and a portal into human consciousness. If one is willing, it offers an opportunity to heal on many levels. It can lead to personal growth and new habits that improve overall wellness. My treatments for pain include acute and chronic conditions.

  • Vitality & Wellness
  • Immune boosting
  • Musculoskeletal Pain
  • Allergies
  • Insomnia
  • Energy
  • Fatigue
  • Reflux/GERD
  • Constipation
  • Emotional wellbeing
  • Stress
  • Anxiety/Depression


Full Well Santa Fe

I told Pamela that I had seen a couple of acupuncturists in my life and I wasn’t too fond of the needles; they would make me anxious. Pamela took that to heart and really approached me with such delicateness, and sensitivity, and she handles the needles with such care and a soft touch, so I can use this modality. The needles don’t hurt and they create a wonderful feeling of extra relaxation or some little bliss of 20 minutes where I can float away. So I have come to appreciate the sensation that needles actually provide in the moment.